Anzio WWII Tour combined with Food & Wine Tour

Anzio & Alban Hills Food and Wine Tastings

The area of Anzio Beach Head and the Caesar Line broken by the US Troops in late May 1944,  is a vast region including severals towns such as  Anzio, Nettuno, Aprilia, Cisterna, Lanuvio and Albano. 

Amazing landscapes, Medieval towns, Lake, Wineries  and authentic food will make your journey an amazing experience. If you have an extra day I will be pleased, as Certified Sommelier and gourmet expert to introduce to the food and wine of my region!

I am an Historian with the Passion of Food and Wine. I am a certified  Sommelier by the FIS (Foundation of Italian Sommeliers) and by WSET, (Wine and Spirit Education Trust), a worldwide recognized Association for wine professionals.

I have always had a passion for food and Wines and in the last years I specialized in wines. Booking one of my wine and food tours  is the key to understand the history,  arts, culture, food and wines of my region. The tour can be combined with the visit of a medieval hill top towns or historical center. 

For further information visit my website http://www.viaromatour or email me or Whatsapp me at: +39 338 2458831

Discover the authentic food and wines with an Italian Sommelier 

Discover with me,  the wineries, the hidden places off the beaten paths that only Italians know! 

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